Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

We’re all lovable and deserving of rest and joy. Congrats on taking the difficult and brave step towards seeking mental health services. - Janet Medrano Reyes, LCSW#84170 — janet.lcsw@medranotherapy.org (424) 256-3661

Potential Therapy Clients: It can be less difficult and I can help.

I admire you for considering therapy. It’s hard to ask for support even though we can all benefit from an authentic space to help us grow. My clients are brave and looking for a reflective, compassionate space to work through sadness, worries, chronic stress, transitions, familial/cultural stressors, and relationship difficulties. Therapy requires connection, vulnerability and collaboration; together we’ll disrupt toxic stress and make progress toward your goals.

Benefits of therapy can include increased: awareness, insight, coping skills, effective communication, positive relationships, ability to set boundaries & assert needs, and an overall increased ability to manage life’s beautiful messiness.

We can make a good team if you or your child/adolescent struggle with:

  • worrying, the need to overfunction/always be productive, and with difficulties resting and focusing on the wins.

  • sadness, insecurities, and fears related to ruptured relationships that impact your ability to connect and communicate.

  • feelings of self-doubt as a parent, partner, and/or as a 1st/2nd generation BIPOC student/young professional feeling incompetent.

  • processing past or ongoing stressful events that impact your physical, emotional, and behavioral health.

My Qualifications, Certifications and Expertise:

  • MSW Graduate Degree from UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs - Class of 2015

  • Licensed Therapist in California (LCSW#84170) since July 2018

  • Certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

  • Certified in Reflective Parenting Program (RPP)

  • Certified in Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP)

  • Certified in Seeking Safety

  • Expertise in Trauma-Informed Care (TIC), Resilience-Informed Foundations, and the Community Resiliency Model

  • Clinical Supervision of pre-licensed therapists and graduate students

My Purpose

My purpose as a bilingual, Latina therapist born in Mexico is to disrupt intergenerational trauma. Trauma occurs when scary, difficult experiences (one time or ongoing) compromise our capacity to cope. Whether we’ve acknowledged our traumas or are still working towards naming what’s happened to us, trauma responses appear in various ways and in multiple settings. These responses can be passed down from one generation to the next and impact individuals, groups, family systems, and our ability to live the fulfilling lives we deserve. I’m passionate about forming connections to raise awareness and reduce the impact of chronic stress while highlighting every single win.

My Approach

In my culturally sensitive practice I model curiosity and self-compassion to help you identify patterns, links, defenses, risk factors, and your next steps. Let’s explore your lived experiences, ongoing stressors, and how we can build on the internal resources you already have. Let's help you feel empowered and in control of your life given all your strengths. As a previous school-based therapist, consultant, trainer, workshop facilitator and clinical supervisor I provide psychoeducation while being direct to move towards change. I incorporate Attachment Theory, Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Mindfulness while utilizing a trauma-informed lens and remaining person-centered. Let's talk and see if we’d make a good team to tackle your growth.

The only way to get over something is by getting through it, so allow me to hold a non-judgmental space for your healing.